API Documentation

Client module

This module contains utility functions for interacting with AGIV SOAP services.

New in version 0.1.0.

exception crabpy.client.AdressenRegisterClientException[source]

Factory that generates a CRAB client.

A few parameters will be handled by the factory, other parameters will be passed on to the client.

  • wsdlOptional. Allows overriding the default CRAB wsdl url.
  • proxyOptional. A dictionary of proxy information that is passed to the underlying suds.client.Client
Return type:


crabpy.client.crab_request(client, action, *args)[source]

Utility function that helps making requests to the CRAB service.

  • client – A suds.client.Client for the CRAB service.
  • action (string) – Which method to call, eg. ListGewesten

Result of the SOAP call.

New in version 0.3.0.

Crab gateway module

This module contains an opionated gateway for the crab webservice.

New in version 0.3.0.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Aardadres(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The nature of an address.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Aardgebouw(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The nature of a building.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Aardsubadres(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The nature of a subaddress.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Aardterreinobject(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The nature of a terreinobject.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Aardwegobject(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The nature of a wegobject.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Adrespositie(id, herkomst, geometrie=None, aard=None, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]

The position of an Adres.

This can be used for the position of both Huisnummer and Subadres.

A Huisnummer or Subadres, can have more than one Adrespositie, each offering a different interpretation of the position of the Adres. See the herkomst and aard of each Adrespositie to know which one to pick.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Bewerking(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

An edit.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Codelijst(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]
class crabpy.gateway.crab.CrabGateway(client, **kwargs)[source]

A gateway to the CRAB webservice.


Retrieve a Adrespositie by the Id.

Parameters:id (integer) – the Id of the Adrespositie
Return type:Adrespositie

Retrieve a deelgemeente by the id.

Parameters:id (string) – The id of the deelgemeente.
Return type:Deelgemeente

Retrieve a Gebouw by the Id.

Parameters:id (integer) – the Id of the Gebouw
Return type:Gebouw

Retrieve a gemeente by the crab id.

Parameters:id (integer) – The CRAB id of the gemeente.
Return type:Gemeente

Retrieve a gemeente by the NIScode.

Parameters:niscode (integer) – The NIScode of the gemeente.
Return type:Gemeente

Get a gewest by id.

Parameters:id (integer) – The id of a gewest.
Return type:A Gewest.

Retrieve a huisnummer by the Id.

Parameters:id (integer) – the Id of the huisnummer
Return type:Huisnummer
get_huisnummer_by_nummer_and_straat(nummer, straat)[source]

Retrieve a huisnummer by the nummer and straat

  • nummer (integer) – The huisnummer of the ‘huisnummer`
  • straat – The Straat in which the huisnummer is situated.
Return type:

A Huisnummer


Retrieve a Perceel by the Id.

Parameters:id (string) – the Id of the Perceel
Return type:Perceel

Get the postadres for a Huisnummer.

Parameters:huisnummer – The Huisnummer for which the postadres is wanted. OR A huisnummer id.
Return type:A str.

Get the postadres for a Subadres.

Parameters:subadres – The Subadres for which the postadres is wanted. OR A subadres id.
Return type:A str.

Retrieve a postkanton by the Huisnummer.

Parameters:huisnummer – The Huisnummer for which the postkanton is wanted.
Return type:Postkanton

Retrieve a provincie by the niscode.

Parameters:niscode (integer) – The niscode of the provincie.
Return type:Provincie

Retrieve a straat by the Id.

Parameters:id (integer) – The id of the straat.
Return type:Straat

Retrieve a Subadres by the Id.

Parameters:id (integer) – the Id of the Subadres
Return type:Subadres

Retrieve a Terreinobject by the Id.

Parameters:id (integer) – the Id of the Terreinobject
Return type:Terreinobject

Retrieve a Wegobject by the Id.

Parameters:id (integer) – the Id of the Wegobject
Return type:Wegobject

Retrieve a wegsegment by the Id.

Parameters:id (integer) – the Id of the wegsegment
Return type:Wegsegment

List all aardadressen.

Return type:A list of Aardadres

List all aardgebouwen.

Return type:A list of Aardgebouw

List all aardsubadressen.

Return type:A list of Aardsubadres

List all aardterreinobjecten.

Return type:A list of Aardterreinobject

List all aardwegobjecten.

Return type:A list of Aardwegobject

List all adresposities for a Huisnummer.

Parameters:huisnummer – The Huisnummer for which the adresposities are wanted. OR A huisnummer id.
Return type:A list of Adrespositie
list_adresposities_by_nummer_and_straat(nummer, straat)[source]

List all adresposities for a huisnummer and a Straat.

  • nummer – A string representing a certain huisnummer.
  • straat – The Straat for which the adresposities are wanted. OR A straat id.
Return type:

A list of Adrespositie


List all adresposities for a Subadres.

Parameters:subadres – The Subadres for which the adresposities are wanted. OR A subadres id.
Return type:A list of Adrespositie
list_adresposities_by_subadres_and_huisnummer(subadres, huisnummer)[source]

List all adresposities for a subadres and a Huisnummer.

  • subadres – A string representing a certain subadres.
  • huisnummer – The Huisnummer for which the adresposities are wanted. OR A huisnummer id.
Return type:

A list of Adrespositie


List all bewerkingen.

Return type:A list of Bewerking

List all deelgemeenten in a gewest.

Parameters:gewest – The Gewest for which the deelgemeenten are wanted. Currently only Flanders is supported.
Return type:A list of Deelgemeente.

List all deelgemeenten in a gemeente.

Parameters:gemeente – The Gemeente for which the deelgemeenten are wanted. Currently only Flanders is supported.
Return type:A list of Deelgemeente.

List all gebouwen for a Huisnummer.

Parameters:huisnummer – The Huisnummer for which the gebouwen are wanted.
Return type:A list of Gebouw
list_gemeenten(gewest=2, sort=1)[source]

List all gemeenten in a gewest.

  • gewest – The Gewest for which the gemeenten are wanted.
  • sort (integer) – What field to sort on.
Return type:

A list of Gemeente.


List all gemeenten in a provincie.

Parameters:provincie – The Provincie for which the gemeenten are wanted.
Return type:A list of Gemeente.

List all geometriegebouwen.

Return type:A list of Geometriegebouw

List all geometriemethodewegsegmenten.

Return type:A list of Geometriemethodewegsegment

List all gewesten in Belgium.

Parameters:sort (integer) – What field to sort on.
Return type:A :class`list` of class: Gewest.

List all herkomstadresposities.

Return type:A list of Herkomstadrespositie
list_huisnummers_by_perceel(perceel, sort=1)[source]

List all huisnummers on a Pereel.

Generally there will only be one, but multiples are possible.

Parameters:perceel – The Perceel for which the huisnummers are wanted.
Return type:A :class: list of Huisnummer
list_huisnummers_by_straat(straat, sort=1)[source]

List all huisnummers in a Straat.

Parameters:straat – The Straat for which the huisnummers are wanted.
Return type:A :class: list of Huisnummer

List all organisaties.

Return type:A list of Organisatie

List all percelen for a Huisnummer

Parameters:huisnummer – The Huisnummer for which the percelen are wanted.
Return type:A list of Perceel

List all postkantons in a Gemeente

Parameters:gemeente – The Gemeente for which the potkantons are wanted.
Return type:A list of Postkanton

List all provincies in a gewest.

  • gewest – The Gewest for which the provincies are wanted.
  • sort (integer) – What field to sort on.
Return type:

A list of Provincie.


List all statusgebouwen.

Return type:A list of Statusgebouwen

List all statushuisnummers.

Return type:A list of Statushuisnummer

List all statusstraatnamen.

Return type:A list of Statusstraatnaam

List all statussubadressen.

Return type:A list of Statussubadres

List all statuswegsegmenten.

Return type:A list of Statuswegsegment
list_straten(gemeente, sort=1)[source]

List all straten in a Gemeente.

Parameters:gemeente – The Gemeente for which the straten are wanted.
Return type:A list of Straat

List all subadressen for a Huisnummer.

Parameters:huisnummer – The Huisnummer for which the subadressen are wanted. OR A huisnummer id.
Return type:A list of Gebouw

List all talen.

Return type:A list of Taal

List all terreinobjecten for a Huisnummer

Parameters:huisnummer – The Huisnummer for which the terreinobjecten are wanted.
Return type:A list of Terreinobject

List all wegobjecten in a Straat

Parameters:straat – The Straat for which the wegobjecten are wanted.
Return type:A list of Wegobject

List all wegsegmenten in a Straat

Parameters:straat – The Straat for which the wegsegmenten are wanted.
Return type:A list of Wegsegment
class crabpy.gateway.crab.Deelgemeente(id, naam, gemeente_niscode, **kwargs)[source]

A subdivision of a Gemeente.

New in version 0.7.0.


Clear the currently set CrabGateway.

Parameters:gateway (crabpy.gateway.crab.CrabGateway) – Gateway to use.
class crabpy.gateway.crab.GatewayObject(**kwargs)[source]

Abstract class for objects that are able to use a crabpy.Gateway.CrabGateway to find further information.


Check to see if a gateway was set on this object.


Clear the currently set CrabGateway.

gateway = None

The crabpy.gateway.crab.CrabGateway to use when making further calls to the CRAB service.

Parameters:gateway (crabpy.gateway.crab.CrabGateway) – Gateway to use.
class crabpy.gateway.crab.Gebouw(id, aard, status, methode=None, geometrie=None, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]

A building.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Gemeente(id, naam, niscode, gewest, taal=None, centroid=None, bounding_box=None, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]

The smallest administrative unit in Belgium.


Clear the currently set CrabGateway.

Parameters:gateway (crabpy.gateway.crab.CrabGateway) – Gateway to use.
class crabpy.gateway.crab.Geometriemethodegebouw(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The geometry method of a Gebouw.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Geometriemethodewegsegment(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The geometry method of a Wegsegment.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Gewest(id, namen=None, centroid=None, bounding_box=None, **kwargs)[source]

A large administrative unit in Belgium.

Belgium consists of 3 gewesten. Together they form the entire territory of the country.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Herkomstadrespositie(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The origin of an Adressposition.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Huisnummer(id, status, huisnummer, straat_id, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]

A house number.

This is mainly a combination of a street and a house number.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Metadata(begin_datum, begin_tijd, begin_bewerking, begin_organisatie, **kwargs)[source]

Metadata about a straat, huisnummer, …

Some of the metadata available is the datum the object was created, the organisation that created it and the type of creation.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Organisatie(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

An organisation that played a role in the genessis of an object.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Perceel(id, centroid=None, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]

A cadastral Parcel.

A Terreinobject is somewhat different from a Perceel in the source of the data and the information provided. eg. A terreinobject has a centroid and a bounding box, while a perceel also has the centroid, but not the bounding box.


Returns the huisnummers on this Perceel.

Some of the huisnummers might no longer be active.

Return type:list

Returns the postadressen for this Perceel.

Will only take the huisnummers with status inGebruik into account.

Return type:list
class crabpy.gateway.crab.Postkanton(id, **kwargs)[source]

A postal code.

Eg. postal code 9000 for the city of Ghent.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Provincie(niscode, naam, gewest, **kwargs)[source]

The largest administrative unit within a Gewest.

New in version 0.4.0.


Clear the currently set CrabGateway.

Parameters:gateway (crabpy.gateway.crab.CrabGateway) – Gateway to use.
class crabpy.gateway.crab.Statusgebouw(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The current state of a Gebouw.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Statushuisnummer(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The current state of a huisnummer.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Statusstraatnaam(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The current state of a straatnaam.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Statussubadres(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The current state of a subadres.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Statuswegsegment(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

The current state of a wegsegment.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Straat(id, label, gemeente_id, status, straatnaam, taalcode, straatnaam2, taalcode2, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]

A street.

A street object is always located in one and exactly one Gemeente.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Subadres(id, subadres, status, huisnummer_id=None, aard=None, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]

An address within a certain Huisnummer.

These can eg. be postboxes within an appartment complex.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Taal(id, naam, definitie, **kwargs)[source]

A language.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Terreinobject(id, aard, centroid=None, bounding_box=None, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]

A cadastral parcel.

A Terreinobject is somewhat different from a Perceel in the source of the data and the information provided. eg. A terreinobject has a centroid and a bounding box, while a perceel also has the centroid, but not the bounding box.

class crabpy.gateway.crab.Wegobject(id, aard, centroid=None, bounding_box=None, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]
class crabpy.gateway.crab.Wegsegment(id, status, methode=None, geometrie=None, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]

Decorator function to lazy load a Adrespositie.


Decorator function to lazy load a Gebouw.


Decorator function to lazy load a Gemeente.


Decorator function to lazy load a Gewest.


Decorator function to lazy load a Huisnummer.


Decorator function to lazy load a Perceel.


Decorator function to lazy load a Straat.


Decorator function to lazy load a Subadres.


Decorator function to lazy load a Terreinobject.


Decorator function to lazy load a Wegobject.


Decorator function to lazy load a Wegsegment.

crabpy.gateway.crab.crab_gateway_request(client, method, *args)[source]

Utility function that helps making requests to the CRAB service.

This is a specialised version of crabpy.client.crab_request() that allows adding extra functionality for the calls made by the gateway.

  • client – A suds.client.Client for the CRAB service.
  • action (string) – Which method to call, eg. ListGewesten

Result of the SOAP call.

Capakey gateway module

This module contains an opionated gateway for the capakey webservice.

New in version 0.2.0.

class crabpy.gateway.capakey.Afdeling(id, naam=None, gemeente=None, centroid=None, bounding_box=None, shape=None, **kwargs)[source]

A Cadastral Division of a Gemeente.


Clear the currently set CapakeyGateway.

Parameters:gateway (crabpy.gateway.capakey.CapakeyGateway) – Gateway to use.
class crabpy.gateway.capakey.CapakeyRestGateway(**kwargs)[source]

A REST gateway to the capakey webservice.

New in version 0.8.0.


Retrieve a gemeente by id (the NIScode).

Return type:Gemeente

Retrieve a ‘kadastrale afdeling’ by id.

Parameters:aid – An id of a kadastrale afdeling.
Return type:A Afdeling.

Get a perceel.

Parameters:capakey – An capakey for a perceel.
Return type:Perceel
get_perceel_by_coordinates(x, y)[source]

Get a perceel.

Parameters:capakey – An capakey for a perceel.
Return type:Perceel
get_perceel_by_id_and_sectie(id, sectie)[source]

Get a perceel.

  • id – An id for a perceel.
  • sectie – The Sectie that contains the perceel.
Return type:



Get a perceel.

Parameters:percid – A percid for a perceel.
Return type:Perceel
get_sectie_by_id_and_afdeling(id, afdeling)[source]

Get a sectie.

  • id – An id of a sectie. eg. “A”
  • afdeling – The Afdeling for in which the sectie can be found. Can also be the id of and afdeling.
Return type:

A Sectie.


List all gemeenten in Vlaanderen.

Parameters:sort (integer) – What field to sort on.
Return type:A list of Gemeente.

List all kadastrale afdelingen in Flanders.

Parameters:sort (integer) – Field to sort on.
Return type:A list of Afdeling.
list_kadastrale_afdelingen_by_gemeente(gemeente, sort=1)[source]

List all kadastrale afdelingen in a gemeente.

  • gemeente – The Gemeente for which the afdelingen are wanted.
  • sort (integer) – Field to sort on.
Return type:

A list of Afdeling.


List all percelen in a sectie.

  • sectie – The Sectie for which the percelen are wanted.
  • sort (integer) – Field to sort on.
Return type:

A list of Perceel.


List all secties in a kadastrale afdeling.

Parameters:afdeling – The Afdeling for which the secties are wanted. Can also be the id of and afdeling.
Return type:A list of Sectie.
class crabpy.gateway.capakey.GatewayObject(**kwargs)[source]

Abstract class for all objects being returned from the Gateway.


Check to see if a gateway was set on this object.


Clear the currently set CapakeyGateway.

gateway = None

The crabpy.gateway.capakey.CapakeyGateway to use when making further calls to the Capakey service.

Parameters:gateway (crabpy.gateway.capakey.CapakeyGateway) – Gateway to use.
class crabpy.gateway.capakey.Gemeente(id, naam=None, centroid=None, bounding_box=None, shape=None, **kwargs)[source]

The smallest administrative unit in Belgium.

class crabpy.gateway.capakey.Perceel(id, sectie, capakey, percid, adres=None, capatype=None, cashkey=None, centroid=None, bounding_box=None, shape=None, **kwargs)[source]

A Cadastral Parcel.


Clear the currently set CapakeyGateway.

Parameters:gateway (crabpy.gateway.capakey.CapakeyGateway) – Gateway to use.
class crabpy.gateway.capakey.Sectie(id, afdeling, centroid=None, bounding_box=None, shape=None, **kwargs)[source]

A subdivision of a Afdeling.


Clear the currently set CapakeyGateway.

Parameters:gateway (crabpy.gateway.capakey.CapakeyGateway) – Gateway to use.
crabpy.gateway.capakey.capakey_rest_gateway_request(url, headers={}, params={})[source]

Utility function that helps making requests to the CAPAKEY REST service.

  • url (string) – URL to request.
  • headers (dict) – Headers to send with the URL.
  • params (dict) – Parameters to send with the URL.

Result of the call.


Decorator function to lazy load a Afdeling.


Decorator function to lazy load a Gemeente.


Decorator function to lazy load a Perceel.


Decorator function to lazy load a Sectie.

Gateway exception module

This module contains custom errors that can be generated by gateways.

New in version 0.2.0.

exception crabpy.gateway.exception.GatewayAuthenticationException(message, soapfault)[source]

An exception that signifies something went wrong during authentication.

exception crabpy.gateway.exception.GatewayException(message)[source]

A base exception.

exception crabpy.gateway.exception.GatewayResourceNotFoundException[source]

An exception that signifies that no results where found.

exception crabpy.gateway.exception.GatewayRuntimeException(message, soapfault)[source]

An exception that signifies a soap request went wrong.

soapfault = None

The soapfault that was generated by the service.

Wsa module

This module contains utiltiy functions for using WSA with SOAP services.

New in version 0.1.0.

class crabpy.wsa.Action(action)[source]

Assist in rendering a WSA:Action element.

class crabpy.wsa.MessageID[source]

Assist in rendering a WSA:MessageID element.

class crabpy.wsa.To(location)[source]

Assist in rendering a WSA:To element.

Wsse module

This module adds a UsernameDigestToken for use with SOAP services.

New in version 0.2.0.

class crabpy.wsse.UsernameDigestToken(username=None, password=None)[source]

Represents a basic WS-Security token with password digest


Set I{nonce} which is arbitraty set of bytes to prevent reply attacks. @param text: The nonce text value.

Generated when I{None}.

@type text: str


Get xml representation of the object. @return: The root node. @rtype: L{Element}